When To Delete Amazon Merch Design If It Is Not Generating Sale
We will discuss When To Delete Amazon Merch Design in this blog: Selling merch designs on Amazon Merch On Demand can be a rewarding side gig, but it’s important to understand that not all listings will be successful. Even experienced sellers can’t guarantee 100% success. What’s crucial is recognizing underperforming listings and deciding whether to keep selling the design or delete it from your Seller account. In this discussion, we’ll share valuable insights on when to delete Amazon Merch shirts.
When you’re considering whether to delete Amazon Merch shirts, it’s vital to understand what makes a listing successful. Success doesn’t always mean high sales; there are other factors to consider.
One key factor is traffic, which refers to the number of views a listing gets. High traffic indicates that your listing is well-optimized and ranks for niche-related keywords in a specific merch category. Even if these high-traffic listings aren’t generating massive sales, it’s usually a good idea to keep them.
However, if a significant portion of this traffic isn’t converting into sales, it’s time to make some adjustments. You can experiment with changing the price, images, or description of the listing, as these changes can impact your sales positively.
It’s essential to note that tracking traffic can be done effectively by sending it through an intermediary link or running Amazon ads. This information is invaluable when deciding whether to delete or optimize your Amazon Merch shirts.
Positive Reviews

Another critical factor that determines the success of your Amazon Merch shirts is positive reviews. Listings with a significant number of positive reviews are highly successful. Why? Because customer reviews influence your ranking in search results. The more positive reviews you accumulate, the higher your listing will appear in searches.
With a higher ranking, your merch design gains more visibility, attracting a broader audience of potential buyers. This increased visibility leads to greater sales opportunities. So, when deciding whether to delete Amazon Merch shirts, consider the impact of positive reviews on your listing’s success.
When deciding whether to delete Amazon Merch shirts, think about their profitability as a key success factor. Just because two listings sell well doesn’t mean they’re equally profitable. Consider this: You’re selling an anime-themed t-shirt for $20 and an anime-themed hoodie for $55, both with 114 monthly sales. While both seem successful, the hoodie listing is more profitable. Why? Because a $55 hoodie sale brings in higher royalties than a $20 t-shirt sale.
Furthermore, an undeniable indicator of a listing’s success is its sales. If your merch designs are consistently selling, they can be labeled successful. However, remember that sales can be influenced by factors like seasonality, trends, and user behavior changes. Some designs are evergreen, always popular, while others are sensitive to these factors. It’s crucial to factor this into your seller strategy. A listing is successful if it generates the expected sales volumes within specific time periods.
When Should You Stop Selling A Product On Merch By Amazon?
When it comes to selling on Merch by Amazon, the important question is when to stop selling a product. If you’ve been offering sports-themed hoodies for a while and certain designs aren’t gaining any traction, it’s time to consider your options. Here are some key signs that suggest it might be time to either close or delete these listings. (Note: We’ll discuss the difference between closing and deleting shortly.)
Poor Customer Reviews
Even if you’re absolutely convinced that you’ve hit the sweet spot with a niche merch design, it doesn’t mean that your customers will agree. If you notice that a large percentage of your reviews are negative, perhaps it’s time to take measures. Allowing the trend to continue may result in a bad reputation. The negativity can quickly spread and buyers may soon start to connect your Seller name with poor ratings and low quality.

In this case, it’s best to close the listing temporarily and search for a way out of the situation. A few useful tips for finding a solution include:
- Try to discover the reasons for bad customer reviews
- Attempt to solve the problems causing such poor feedback
- Find ways to collect more positive reviews
If you’ve tried all of the above and the situation remains the same, it may be best to delete the listing completely. This means that you won’t be selling the merch design any longer, but focusing on other listings instead.
You’re Too Late
Let’s say you wanted to catch a trend. Imagine that Independence Day is just around the corner. You decide that you’ll launch your 4th of July merch designs on the 1st of July. However, chances are that you won’t witness much success. Why? Because activating your listing a few days before an event or holiday won’t do the trick.

The majority of Amazon merch shoppers prepare in advance. They do their merch shopping a month or even several months ahead of special occasions. In addition, it will take some time for your listing to accumulate speed and strength to make it to the first pages of Amazon search results. Put otherwise, by the time your listing becomes attractive, the holiday will have passed and no buyers will be interested in this type of merch.
In this case, our advice is to close the listing and reactivate it the following year. Remember to avoid making the same mistake and start selling when the timing is right.
Competition on Merch by Amazon is fierce. Via detailed and thorough research, you’ve managed to discover an extremely rewarding niche, with highly searched-for keywords and low competition.
You’ve spent some time working on your designs and you’re finally ready to make an entrance. You expect to sell your merch designs like hotcakes. You watch your listing’s performance over the course of a few months to discover that your competition has beaten you to market. Your once profitable listing is now facing so much competition that it’s extremely difficult to land any sales at all.
What should you do? If you’ve tried optimizing the listing and nothing has changed, perhaps it’s time to terminate the design and move on.
The benefits of closing or deleting a listing
Earlier we mentioned that there are two ways to stop selling an Amazon listing. Let’s see what each of them is and what its benefits are.
Closing a listing
One of the ways to stop selling a Merch by Amazon design is to close the listing. In this case, the termination of the listing is only temporary. You can reactivate the listing at any time. After reactivation, you’ll still have all of the accumulated listing data. Put otherwise, the listing will still store customer reviews, prices, titles and descriptions, and other information.
There are a number of benefits that you can take advantage of when it comes to closed listings. For starters, you can use this option to pause your activity on a listing. This will enable you to have some extra time to plan a better strategy, think of ways to optimize the listing to improve its performance, and perform detailed research. In the meantime, you won’t be receiving any negative reviews, you won’t be spending money on paid campaigns, and you’ll have more money and time freed up.
Once you’re ready with a game-changing solution, you can simply reactivate the listing and carry on. Hopefully, the results will be better.
Note: This point is for all of our FBA friends. With Amazon Merch on Demand, you will need to follow the second way to delete a listing.
Deleting a listing
You can also choose to permanently delete a listing. As we noted earlier, this decision is advisable once a specific listing doesn’t perform well and you’ve explored every avenue to enhance its achievements without any results. Deleting a listing will empower you to focus all of your efforts on listings that could potentially be improved and transformed into successful products. By making this decision, you will avoid wasting time on research and planning, and reduce your expenses for promotion.

These valuable resources will be available to invest in other important listings.
With Experience Of Sonny, Many Type Of Design, When Should You Delete?
- Trending design: Everyone has a sale, after 7 days if there is no sale, we will delete it.
- Niche design: You need at least 2 weeks, and up to 6 weeks without sale will be deleted (Can be re-uploaded by rewriting keywords or re-designing).
- Event niche: You need to be uploaded at least 3 weeks in advance, if the event is not on sale, it will be deleted after 2 days.
Where Can I Buy Merch By Amazon Account?
If you’re looking for a place where you can buy Merch by Amazon account with warranty or you already have had account and searching for good niche to start with, you can contact Sonny – founder of website Merch By Amazon For Sale. Sonny is an expert in the field and can provide valuable insights on niche selection and conduct research on your behalf.