Easter Niche

Merch by Amazon Niche Research: Easter Niche

The Trend Hunting table these days is soooo “GREEN”, isn’t it? Has your “green one” have a sold yet? Anw the trend I’m writing about here is not about St. Patrick’s Day but Easter. Selling shirts for the holidays need you to prepare for the whole month, sometimes even a few months. This trend is a quote that familiar to Christians – “A lot can happen in 3 days”

The hotness of the trend

Trend’s best-selling shirt is currently at rank 23k, uploaded 4 days ago. Up to now, we have seen a few clone samples of the top 1 shirt. The original shirt is sold for passion, so it only costs 13 $ . There are many Easter Niches designs that also use this quote but the rank is quite low.

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Why is this model ranked higher?

First, let’s talk about it’s design. Three things on the shirt are a crown of thorns, a cross and a rock cave. These are three objects associated with the Resurrection of Jesus. Jesus, a Jewish carpenter, was condemned by the authorities of that time as the most dangerous rebel. Jesus was executed in an extremely pitiful and humiliating death. He was brutally beaten, nailed to a cross, endured with great pain until he was exhausted and died. The crown of thorns was what soldiers put on his head at that time. After he died, they took the body of Jesus and wrapped it in linen cloth with the spices, according to the Jewish burial custom. The body of him was laid out on a stone bench and a heavy stone was set into the small entrance door and sealed to thwart the unwanted entrance of animals and grave robbers. Before he died, Jesus said that he would rise from the dead. And then 3 days later, they couldn’t find his body. Easter is the most important Christian festival. It celebrates Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead, three days after he was executed by crucifixion. This is the story behind the quote “A lot can happen in 3 days”. The day of Jesus’ execution is also known as Good Friday. But Good doesn’t mean “good”. According to the history professor Constant Mews, the word “Good” here is for “goode” which means “holy” (sacred, related to the divine).

The upcoming April 2 is Good Friday and April 4 is Easter, so it is expected that the shirt can still climb higher ranks.

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