Step 1: Method To Manage Merch Amazon Account Safety – Set Up Proxy
- 1 Why You Must Use Proxy To Log In Amazon Merch On Demand Account?
- 2 Where To Buy Quality Proxy To Log In Merch By Amazon Account?
- 3 Step 2: Install The Incogniton Application To The Laptop & Set Up Proxy It.
- 4 Browser Is Ready & Safe With Proxy – Let’s Start Log In Your Amazon Merch On Demand
- 5 Where Can I Buy Merch By Amazon Account?

As a Merch by Amazon seller, you may find yourself needing to manage multiple Amazon Merch On Demand accounts. However, using multiple accounts on one device can be risky, as it increases the chances of account suspension. In this guide, Sonny’ll show you how to manage multiple Merch by Amazon accounts on one device safely.
Why You Must Use Proxy To Log In Amazon Merch On Demand Account?
The fact rule is: Buy Merch By Amazon Account – Use Proxy/ VPN.
Let’s Sonny explain through a question from customer:
My friend bought an Amazon Merch account from a Moroccan provider who didn’t ask him to use a proxy. He has been using the account for two months now without any issues, and even made three sales that exceeded tier 10. He said that you got into trouble by not buying from the other seller. Can you explain why you insist on using a proxy and why his account is still working fine without one?
Customer ask Sonny why they have to use proxy? From @amazonmerchbysonny
Sonny answers:
Yes, I understand why your friend told you that he didn’t need a proxy to log in to his Amazon Merch account that he purchased from a Moroccan provider.
Many providers don’t ask their clients to use a proxy because their job is just selling account and mission complete. Actually there is no after purchasing customer service as Sonny doing.
When you log in to an Amazon Merch account from a location that’s different from the country where the account was registered, it raises a red flag. Amazon Merch accounts are mostly registered in the US and Europe, and if you log in from Morocco, it can trigger Amazon’s fraud detection system. Using a proxy or VPN can help you get an IP address that’s in the same country as the account you’re using, making it appear that you’re logging in from the same location.
Your friend’s account may be still active, but that’s only because Amazon isn’t currently running a wave of account closures. In my experience working with many teams and five years in Print on Demand, I’ve seen that accounts not using proxy or VPN have a higher risk of getting closed. You may hear of people buying an account and then getting it closed after a short while, and that’s because they didn’t use a proxy or VPN when logging in.
While it may seem inconvenient to use a proxy or VPN, it’s a crucial step to protect your account and your investment. As a provider, I want to take care of my clients and teach them the best practices for managing their Amazon Merch account from the beginning. It may seem complicated at first, but it will save you a lot of trouble in the long run.
I hope that answers your question, and Sonny encourage you to test it out and make your own decision.
@amazonmerchbysonny explaination
Full Process Of Buying Proxy & Set Up Incogniton By Video (below is instruction by text. You should read to understand)!!
Where To Buy Quality Proxy To Log In Merch By Amazon Account?
Sonny suggest to get proxy on IPRoyal ( because the dashboard look friendly and high quality proxy, loading internet connection is faster.
- Nomatter the country of account information is, choose United State because it is approved there.
Step 1: How To Buy Proxy On IPRoyal (
- Step 1: First, go to website and “Creat Account” on the top right corner.

- Step 2: After creating account, you log in to the IPRoyal website, then on the left menu. Choose “Static Residential”. That will the type of proxy we will buy.

- Step 3: Click buy now!

- Step 4: The first time buying, IProyal will ask you to verify identity. So just follow their instruction and pass this step.

As part of our Know Your Customer (KYC) policy, all clients will have to confirm their identity before accessing our static residential proxies. Starting with April 1st, 2023, identity verification becomes mandatory. The process only takes a couple of minutes and it’s necessary to ensure the highest possible level of safety and security of our proxies for clients and the company.
Confirming your identity with us also brings several benefits:
- PayPal as a payment option.
- The ability to purchase as little as one proxy per order.
- API access for easy proxy management.
This video answers your question in detail why you have to verify your identity from IPRoyal.
After verify, it will take about 5 minutes for IPRoyal review and approve you.
- Step 5: While you are waiting, let’s deposit balance to website to buy proxy.
- On your homepage, click the email of you, then choose “Deposit”.
- Then you choose which method suitable to you. Static proxy cost 4$ each month, you can consider to add 5$ or higher. Click “Deposit” Is complete add money.
- Step 5: While you are waiting, let’s deposit balance to website to buy proxy.

- Step 6: Now, go back to “Static Residental”, they might approved your identity now. If not, wait little bit. Click Buy Now!
- Plan 30 Days Or longer (depend on you). I recommend not to buy too long, not say bad luck but if you unlucky upload violate design and got close, you buy too long time proxy, cost fee and can not use that proxy again.
- Number of proxies: 1
- Proxy Location: Find “United States”
- Step 6: Now, go back to “Static Residental”, they might approved your identity now. If not, wait little bit. Click Buy Now!

- Step 7: After buying, you have information of the proxy you just buy. Remember this part. We will use that proxy information to set up on the next application.
- Thing you should know about that proxy just bought:
- IP address
- Port: Http/Https
- Proxy Username
- Proxy Password.
- Thing you should know about that proxy just bought:
- Step 7: After buying, you have information of the proxy you just buy. Remember this part. We will use that proxy information to set up on the next application.
- Watch the video to understand in detail the session, how to buy? How to know which one is IP:PORT:USER:PASSWORD.
Step 2: Install The Incogniton Application To The Laptop & Set Up Proxy It.
So after buying proxy which Sonny has share above. You will need to set up that proxy on application. And today I will share with you an application named: Incogniton.
This is a tool that help you set up proxy and create a profile. Each profile is a browser and manage one account → That is how you can manage 100 accounts.
Full video set up step 2 here. Down below is step one by one in text.
- Step 1: Firstly, download and install the Incogniton app via
- Step 2: Register Incogniton.
- Go to website: Follow each photo below to register.
- Step 2: Register Incogniton.

Click Register & Continue follow Incogniton instruction, check out and finish.
- Step 3: Open application Incogniton you have installed in the step 1 & log in with information you register in step 2.
- Step 4: If it show up “update version”, just click update. Choose 64bit version.
- Step 5: Once logged in, navigate to Profile Management and click on New profile.

Step 6: Input name of browser such as this browser for tier 1000, you can input the name is tier 1000.

Step 7: Input proxy information we bought in step 1. Now, it is time to use IP Address(Host):Port:User:Pass on IPRoyal.

Such as in this picture: Proxy: (ip:port) == (Notice the symbol “:”. Do not miss it).
Proxy username & Proxy password, as you can see. No need symbol “:”.
Make sure you copy correct & there is no space gap.
Step 8: Click Check proxy to ensure functionality. You should receive an external IP with additional details, such as an exact geographic location, timezone, etc. It will show you green text and location is United States (because I guide you to buy United States proxy). Then success. Click “Create Profile”.

Step 9: And that’s it. You have successfully integrated your proxies with Incogniton. By clicking Start on your freshly set up profile, you’ll see a pop-up of an incognito browser window. It might take few minutes appear a new browser, it called “Incogniton browser” with ip address is USA (your bought proxy USA, so it is USA browser). It is like you are sitting in USA to work.
Note: If incogniton not appear, restart your laptop. It might conflict with some application on your laptop/PC.

By using the Incogniton Anti-Detect Browser and a proxy, you can manage multiple Merch by Amazon accounts on one device safely. With these tips, you can minimize the risk of account suspension and grow your Merch by Amazon business with confidence.
Browser Is Ready & Safe With Proxy – Let’s Start Log In Your Amazon Merch On Demand
So next step is log in Amazon Merch account with proxy.
Where Can I Buy Merch By Amazon Account?
If you’re looking for a place where you can buy Merch by Amazon account with warranty or you already have had account and searching for good niche to start with , you can contact Sonny – founder of website Merch By Amazon For Sale. Sonny is an expert in the field and can provide valuable insights on niche selection and conduct research on your behalf.