Top Seller Print on Demand St Patrick’s Day Niche

Saint Patrick’s Day has become a secular celebration of Irish culture. This is an important holiday for Irish immigrants around the world. The anniversary is held on March 17 every year, coinciding with the death of St. Patrick in 461. Sellers can exploit it to make POD designs with Print on Demand St Patrick’s Day.

Print on Demand St Patrick's Day

Sales Potential

  • The NRF says about 139 million Americans have planned to spend money on food and goods on St. Paddy’s Day.
  • 52% of consumers buy food
  • 41% will get a drink
  • 28% shop for clothes and accessories
  • 22% hunt for decorations
  • 14% buy candy
  • According to Google trend, the phrase Patrick day has been searched since the middle of January. And peaked in the early days of March.
Print on Demand St Patrick's Day

The most favorite print on demand products in Patrick Day

There are quite a few activities during this holiday, so sellers can diversify their sales. The list of POD products you can sell this day includes:

  • T-shirt: popular and expensive products in spring summer
  • Mug: Suitable when customers use to give or use
  • Rug: Used for decoration
  • Flag: Use for home, street and party decoration
  • Canvas: Use for home decoration
  • Candle Holder: Suitable for party decoration

Read more: Be Careful With Trend Niches On Merch By Amazon

Print on Demand St Patrick's Day

Colors and style designs

In fact, blue is the color associated with St. Patrick’s Day. However, after many years, green became the dominant color again. At the same time, white and orange are also used a lot in POD designs. These are the colors on the Irish flag.
Simple design style, can be combined with many other niches to impress customers. Depending on the audience you need to target to change the design details accordingly.

Print on Demand St Patrick's Day
Patrick Day Product

Print on Demand St Patrick’s Day Icons

Print on Demand St Patrick's Day
Patrick Day Icon: Clover
  • Clover: This is an Irish symbol of good luck. l It is also used to illustrate the doctrine of the Trinity. This is an indispensable symbol in POD designs on St. Patrick’s Day.
  • Leprechuans (Goblins): The name elves derives from the Old Irish word “luchorpan” meaning “small body”. Little elves are also common symbols in designs for Patrick Day!
  • Harp: This is an ancient musical instrument polular in Ireland. Harpists are often blind and have occupied a place of honor in Irish society. This is also a widely used symbol of St. Patrick’s Day.
  • Celtic Cross: The cross is added with the sun symbol to show the strength of the Irish people.
Print on Demand St Patrick's Day
Patrick Day Icons

Combined niches with Print on Demand St Patrick’s Day

Although March is the time of St. Patrick’s Day. However, this time, Sellers can start to design and sell products related to Patrick Day! Some niches you can combine on this holiday such as niche animal, 100 days of school, game…

Print on Demand St Patrick’s Day with his popular quotes

  • Shake Your Shamrocks
  • Happy ST. Patrick’s Day
  • I’m Irish
  • Can’t think of a better way to March into Spring
  • Luckier than a four – leaf clover

Read more: Funny Acronyms & Internet Slang Words Niche Research

Where Can I Buy Merch By Amazon Account?

If you’re looking for a place where you can buy Merch by Amazon account with warranty or you already have had account and searching for good niche to start with, you can contact Sonny – founder of website Merch By Amazon For Sale. Sonny is an expert in the field and can provide valuable insights on niche selection and conduct research on your behalf.

Sonny wish you all the best and more sale!

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