Understand How Amazon Merch Sends Money to Payment Platforms

If you’re an Amazon Merch seller, it’s crucial to understand how payments are processed. Many sellers use third-party payment platforms like PingpongX, LianLian, or Payoneer to receive their earnings, but not all banks handle transactions the same way. Let’s break it down!

🔄 How Amazon Merch Payments Work

1️⃣ Amazon Merch Account (Registered under another name that Sonny registered before)
2️⃣ Payment Platform (e.g., PingpongX, LianLian, Payoneer) (Registered under your real name)
3️⃣ Amazon sends payment to the payment platform
4️⃣ Before reaching your account, the money first goes through an intermediary bank for review

How Amazon Merch Make A Payment To You

💳 Which Banks Accept Different Names?

JP Morgan ChaseAccepts different names, as long as the bank number is correct.

  • If receiving via PingpongX → Accepts different names.
  • If receiving via LianLianDenies different names, which may result in funds being held or your LianLian account being locked.

⚠️ Avoid Payment Issues

  • When buying an Amazon Merch account, the registered name will not be yours.
  • When registering a payment platform, use your real name.
  • Make sure to choose the right bank to avoid delays or account restrictions.

💡 Tip: Using banks that accept name mismatches can prevent payment failures and delays.

📢 Stay updated! Follow for more tips on Amazon Merch payments and account security. 🚀

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