What Does Each Design Status Mean On Amazon Merch On Demand?

What Does Each Design Status Mean On Amazon Merch On Demand?

  1. Draft: A design in “Draft” status is either A) a design which has not yet been submitted for review or B) a live product you have edited but have not yet submitted for review. To move these designs into “Live” status, you should use the “Edit” option from the manage tab in the Merch portal and submit your design using the “Publish” button at the bottom of the page
  2. Under Review: A design in “Under Review” status is being reviewed by our team to ensure compliance with the Amazon Merch on Demand Content Policy. Please allow time for the team to review your submissions. You will receive an email if a product is rejected.
  3. Rejected: A design in “Rejected” status has been reviewed and identified as including content which violates the Amazon Merch on Demand Content Policy. If your design is rejected, please carefully review our Content Policy along with your design, brand name, title, product description, and bullet points to ensure that they are all compliant with Merch policies. You will see a message below the “Rejected” status informing you of the reason for rejection.
  4. Processing: A design in “Processing” has a detail page which is in the process of being published.
  5. Live: A design in “Live” status is live on Amazon.
  6. Removed: A design in “Removed” status has been deleted because the design and/or product details include content which violates the Amazon Merch on Demand Content Policy.
  7. Failed: A design in “Failed” status encountered an error during publishing. You may edit and resubmit this design for consideration by the Merch team.
  8. Timed Out: A design in “Timed Out” status encountered an error during publishing. You may edit and resubmit this design for consideration by the Merch team.

Why My Design Processing For Long Time?

Due to unknown reasons, some content creators are currently experiencing long delays with processing. Processing has been fairly fast over the last number of months, until this last week. Amazon has yet to chime in to tell us why so many folks are getting “stuck in processing”. We had major problems with this issue most of last year. The current issue could be a bug/problem with their processing systems like before, or…. you asked could it be related to designs being ip checked in some way: perhaps, it seems possible. Last month Amazon said they were going to implement a new system to better check designs for copycat problems, perhaps that system got implemented recently and that’s causing the problems, interesting theory!

Processing error: Some listings get stuck in processing for a long time, and there isn’t much we can do about it.

How Long Does It Take To Process A Design On Merch By Amazon?

There’s no set time it takes for Amazon Merch to approve a design. For some sellers, the approval process may be relatively quick, and their designs could be approved within a few hours or days. However, for others, it might take longer (like 6 months), and the approval process could take several days or even weeks.

One of your design when uploading might face this issues. Please do not worry, you are not alone. Many people like you and it is just an error on system of Amazon.

If you send an email for help from Amazon, they will rely like this:

“Thank you for your question. We are aware that some t-shirts may show a processing status on the Manage page of the dashboard. While they remain processing, you will not be able to delete the shirt or edit the description. We are continuously working to complete publishing of these t-shirts. We will detect these t-shirts automatically and work to resolve each one. For more information on the processing status, please see the article here. Thank you for your patience.”

What Is The Disadvantage Of This Error?

Unfortunately, for lower tier sellers it is pain, but honestly there is nothing to do. Some of us had processing designs for months and even over a year. Just wait it out, nothing else to do sadly.

Where Can I Buy Merch By Amazon Account?

If you’re looking for a place where you can buy Merch by Amazon account with warranty or you already have had account and searching for good niche to start with , you can contact Sonny – founder of website Merch By Amazon For Sale. Sonny is an expert in the field and can provide valuable insights on niche selection and conduct research on your behalf.

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