Instruction To Set Up Account After Buying Merch Amazon From Sonny & Knowledge For Newbie

Part 1 - Instruction To Log In Amazon Merch Account

  • Step 1: Learn How To Use Proxy & Why You Should Use Proxy To Log In Merch By Amazon Account?
  • Step 2: Log In Amazon Merch On Demand With Proxy Setted Up At Step 1
  • Step 3: Secure Your Amazon Merch Account, Add Bank & Secure Email Address Of Account

Important: Join Group To Get Support All Time & Update News

Core value of Sonny’s service when selling account is NOT just sell product and leave customer alone. We focus on customer service after purchasing. Amazon update and change policy, many news, many case study I update frequently. You should join group and follow fanpage to keep update. Else, you will loss a huge advantage when buying account from Sonny

Make Sure You Understand Warranty Policies

Important!! Must Save Your Designs & Account Information To Active Warranty

Sonny attached a template for customer to save the design information and account information (Purpose of saving design information: When your account has problem, you will send to Sonny your design file and I check your design violate trademark/copyright/ misunderstanding title, bullet point). Without knowing your design information, Sonny does not have information to help you why you got reject or close.

To get the template: (“Choose File > Make a copy to use”)

Optional: Instruction To Set Up Advertising Amazon Merch Account

This is an optional part, if you buy Amazon Merch account with advertising function from Sonny. You can read this instruction how to set up ads, add card to run ads,…

Part 2 - Benefit & Very Important Knowledge For Newbies

Step 1- Amazon Merch Niche Research Ideas For You

This is list of niche research ideas by Sonny. You can read, get an idea design, learn how to do research. 

Step 2- After Having Niche Ideas --> Start To Check Trademark/Copyright.

  • Important: Do not forget to check trademark and copyright on each design you want to live. Do not think you make design on your own and not check trademark. 80% when you upload without checking carefully will get rejected and can make your account in risk.

Upload, Delete & Optimize Listing

In this session, you will learn how to write a good title, bullet point, description to avoid get rejection, remove. 

This is important part because newbie usually think when rejection, it is because design, the image. Not true at all!! It is also because your title, your bullet point has sensitive words violate trademark/copyright/content violate policy of Amazon.

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